

God’s Perspective

the bible

God, my communication with you led me to believe that those parts of the Bible, which talk about necromancy and other spiritual gifts being wrong, were added by the church, and are not the ‘word of God’.  Doreen Virtue, who has a strong connection with you as far as appearances

By |August 10th, 2018|God, Love, Talks With The Divine|




Hello God.

Hello Lorelle.  What would you like to talk about?


Ok, Lorelle.

Life isn’t what most of you think it is, which is the time you spend in your physical form

By |July 14th, 2018|Talks With The Divine|

Archangel Metatron

ind archangel metatron

We had the Archangel Metatron card during the weekly reading, and he was eager to connect with us.  I got the urge to talk to Metatron, and the message I received was for all of us:

“Lorelle, I wanted to talk to you and all of your readers to let you all

By |June 22nd, 2018|Angels and Spirit Guides|

Isn’t It Hard Being Vegan?


I wasn’t always vegan.  I know all of the excuses for not being vegan, because I used most of them myself:  “We were designed to eat meat.  I need meat, dairy and eggs to get my protein.  I need milk to get my calcium.  It’s too hard to find anything vegan to eat.  One person

By |June 5th, 2018|Animals, Vegan|