By Lorelle Taylor|2018-12-11T17:32:57+10:00December 11th, 2018|Animals, Health, Mother Earth, Vegan|
Our Lungs
I travelled to Adelaide and back to Brisbane by plane last week, and as I flew overhead and looked out at the scenery, I was disturbed to see the amount of natural bushland which had been cleared to make way for farmland. Whilst I saw some large tracts of bushland still remaining, there was a lot more removed than there was remaining. I know we read that our lifestyle and
Angel Messages
One of the challenges from Billie Dean’s 30 Days of Spiritual Wildness (the course I mentioned a couple of weeks ago) has been to write a few pages in a notebook when first awakening. I was having trouble filling the pages on that first day, so I asked my angels for some help. I found that I connected to them in a way that I hadn’t done in a long
Since I attended the animal communication workshop recently, I have been wondering what more I can do to help the animals. I already make regular contributions to a few animal charities and sign any animal rights petitions which cross my path. I have been thinking about what other ways I may be able to help to relieve the suffering of animals in the world. The answer came to me when
Improving Our Health
I am in the process of practising my second speech for Toastmasters, which I am presenting next week. At the moment, therefore, my focus is on the subject of that speech – Improving Our Health. In order to write the speech, I had to consider all of the factors which I believe have contributed to my good health. As I mention in the speech, I cannot boast perfect health, by
Muddy Waters
The quote from the Tao Te Ching on Wayne Dyer’s Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life perpetual calendar earlier this week: The muddiest water clears as it is stilled. And out of that stillness, life arises. From my reading of Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations With God books, I learned that Life, is another name for Love, which is another name for God. So if you read the above quote
Laughter Is The Best Medicine
I have had a busy week and have had little time to think deeply about a topic for my blog, but there were a couple of images that kept coming to mind when I was thinking about what the topic should be and they all involved having fun. I realised that I remember nothing of the things that needed to be done during my busy week. The only things I really
Weight Loss The Easy Way
As I was driving to the station on my way to French class this week, I heard a news item about some offensive cards targeting fat people on the Tube in London. As I had missed the details, after I boarded the train I googled the story to find out what had really occurred. When I read what the card had said, I thought it was rude and disgusting, and
Going With The Flow to Byron
The greatest lesson I learned this week has been to go with the flow. My husband broke his arm nearly two weeks ago, and we had been booked into a holiday house at Byron Bay for the following week. I knew that the chances of cancelling with such short notice were slim, because they would only cancel the booking if they could find someone else to rebook. At the time
Sons and Daughters
I was moved to choose a card from Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards (Doreen Virtue PhD) today for inspiration for my blog. If you have been reading my previous blogs, you will know that I have been studying the book, Nature’s Way – Native Wisdom for Living in Balance with the Earth, by Ed McGaa, Eagle Man, as part of my course in Native American Spirituality at AIHT.