Peace = No More Guilt

It has been a while since I wrote a blog about animals, and I felt the urge today to make that up to them. The more we think about animals, the more we consider our cruel treatment of them.  The more that we consider our cruel treatment of animals, the more we can understand that the problems which we face in our lives and in our world are merely a

By |2014-10-10T19:05:02+10:00October 11th, 2014|Animals, Ego, God, Peace, Vegan, We Are One|

Aucune Idée – I Haven’t Got A Clue

When I asked for guidance about what I could write my blog about this week, the thought came to me in French “Aucune idée”.  “Great”, I thought, “my spiritual helpers are going on strike – taking a week off and flying off to Maui to be with Doreen Virtue maybe”.  But later, I realised that this really was to be the subject of my blog. Often when we follow our


Even though I try not to watch the news because it is so depressing, I know there seems to be a lot of conflict in the world at the moment.  What do you think is the source of this conflict? If we look to A Course in Miracles for answers, we find that the source of conflict in the world is merely a reflection of the conflict within each one

By |2014-09-26T17:53:56+10:00September 27th, 2014|Ego, God, Love|

No Time Like The Present

“There’s no time like the present,” my mother used to say, when she wanted me to do something that I was procrastinating about. Perhaps what she really meant was: “There’s no time but the present.” My lessons from A Course In Miracles have taught me that, for our real spiritual selves, the present is really all that exists. I had learned previously that God is in the present moment, but

By |2014-09-13T13:34:17+10:00September 13th, 2014|Ego, God, Peace, Society, We Are One|

Of Course!

I started another course this week: “A Course In Miracles”. I had heard about A Course In Miracles before: Marianne Williamson wrote about it in A Return to Love, and I heard Robert Holden talk about it at I Can Do It! Although they made it sound interesting, I hadn’t felt the call to read it - until now. When selecting my next course at AIHT, I knew that this

By |2014-08-30T09:35:59+10:00August 30th, 2014|Ego, God, Love|

Miracles Of Life

As I sit looking out of the window at the light rain falling, I am so grateful. The lawn had started to turn brown, and it crunched underfoot as I walked on it. I had been asking for rain for a while, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. By all reports, this weekend we are due for a good soaking. What better way to spend a drizzly day,

By |2014-08-15T17:41:32+10:00August 16th, 2014|Animals, Environment, God, Mother Earth|


I found the inspiration for this week’s blog while cleaning my teeth this morning. I have one solitary wisdom tooth, but it still resides within my gum. Every few weeks, within the last year or so, it moves around a bit, enough for me to think that it might be about to make its way to the surface. Then it becomes dormant again for another few weeks, before it starts

By |2014-08-09T10:21:56+10:00August 9th, 2014|God, Love, Meditation, The Mind, We Are One|

What Is God?

Doreen Virtue’s Weekly Oracle Card Reading for this week ended with the 'God' card. Doreen explained that we are reminded to see God in everyone including ourselves - to look past the ego of the person to God’s essence which resides in every one of us. As I mentioned in last week’s blog, God can be found in all of his creation, if we look at it with an open

By |2014-07-19T08:34:55+10:00July 19th, 2014|Christianity, God, Judaism, Love, Religion|


A great woman, Sojourner Truth, was born into slavery in New York State around 1797, with the name Isabella Baumfree. At the age of nine, she was separated from her family when she was sold to another owner.  As a slave, she had no rights.  Even her husband was chosen for her.  Her children were not hers, but her owners, to do with as he chose. Sojouner escaped slavery in

By |2014-07-05T07:55:21+10:00July 5th, 2014|Animals, Christianity, God, Vegan, Women|