Passion and Joy

I have been reading Wayne Dyer’s book, Excuses Begone!, in which he assigns a chapter to Passion, which he starts with a quote from Aeschylus: “When a man’s willing and eager, God joins in.” It always feels, when we are doing something we are passionate about, that we have resources at our disposal greater than that of our limited individual selves.  Rather than God joining in when we are following

By |2015-11-07T18:52:21+10:00November 6th, 2015|Ego, God|

The Life and Death of Jesus

In my blog a couple of weeks ago, God’s Truth, ( I compared the God I had been learning about in the Bible with Tomorrow’s God, who I had learned about from Neale Donald Walsch.  This week I have been studying a book which has had me questioning my beliefs about Jesus’ life and death. The story of Jesus life is pretty well known by most people, even if they

By |2015-08-28T19:29:38+10:00August 28th, 2015|Christianity, Islam, Religion|

The Impersonal Life

Last weekend I was at “I Am Light” with Dr Wayne Dyer and Anita Moorjani.  I had a wonderful weekend, and felt myself getting lighter after listening to all of their lessons, particularly the meditation. I had heard Wayne speak a number of times before, and read many of his books, and Anita’s book, Dying To Be Me, had had a real impact on me, as it did on most

By |2015-08-21T18:20:54+10:00August 21st, 2015|God|

God’s Truth

I started a new course at AIHT during the week – Biblical Studies.  After finishing reading Jesus: My Autobiography (by Tina Louis Spalding) last week, a channelled book in which Jesus told the true story of his life and mission, I thought I was finally ready to tackle a task I had been putting off. My father had been a Congregational minister before I was born (he had to give

By |2015-08-17T16:20:16+10:00August 14th, 2015|Christianity, God, Judaism, Religion|

You Are A Heroine

I had a dream just before I awoke this morning.  Like most dreams, it seemed to make sense at the time.  It was only later that I realised that there were a few aspects of the dream which seemed particularly pertinent, and the rest was easily forgotten. For some reason which now escapes me, I was carrying out surveillance on a particular apartment in an apartment building, in order to

By |2015-06-26T16:34:40+10:00June 26th, 2015|Angels and Spirit Guides, Dreams, We Are One|

A Good Man’s Job

The inspiration for today’s blog came from a perpetual calendar of Dr Wayne Dyer: Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life, which provides daily messages from the Tao Te Ching. The message for today, April 10 is: What is a good man but a bad man’s teacher? What is a bad man but a good man’s job? This reminded me of a Buddhist story I read many years ago, which

By |2015-04-10T13:36:40+10:00April 10th, 2015|A Course in Miracles, Buddhism, God|

Good Friday

I am writing this on Good Friday, the day when people of the Christian faith celebrate the crucifixion of Jesus.  My understanding of what Christians believe is that Jesus was crucified on the cross, where he died for all humankind to save us all from our sins.  They believe that Jesus rose from the dead three days later as a symbol of the eternal life which all those who believe

By |2015-04-03T15:41:41+10:00April 3rd, 2015|A Course in Miracles, Christianity, Islam|

Spiritual Back-Up

Last week I mentioned that I am aware of my spiritual back-up team – angels, spirit guides, archangels, ascended masters, and God.  (There might be some I left out, but I’m sure they won’t be offended.)  I realised during this week that I often take them for granted.  I often fail to ask them for help, and when I do, I often forget to appreciate the help I receive. This

By |2014-11-06T18:41:20+10:00November 8th, 2014|Angels and Spirit Guides|


A Course in Miracles has been a bit of a rollercoaster ride for me, since I started reading it a few weeks ago. There have been times, like when I first opened the book, when I wondered if I would ever understand anything.  There have been other times when I have been confronted by my deepest fear and wondered how I would ever be free of them, because they seemed to

By |2015-02-27T19:53:28+10:00September 20th, 2014|A Course in Miracles, The Mind|

What Is God?

Doreen Virtue’s Weekly Oracle Card Reading for this week ended with the 'God' card. Doreen explained that we are reminded to see God in everyone including ourselves - to look past the ego of the person to God’s essence which resides in every one of us. As I mentioned in last week’s blog, God can be found in all of his creation, if we look at it with an open

By |2014-07-19T08:34:55+10:00July 19th, 2014|Christianity, God, Judaism, Love, Religion|