The Divine Ego

By the time I sit in front of my computer each week to write my blog, I usually know what it is going to be about.  I usually receive some inspiration in the form of a song, or a thought appears in my mind whilst meditating, or just while I’m going about my work around the house. This morning, I had a thought of what to write about, but immediately

By |2015-02-27T19:49:06+10:00February 27th, 2015|A Course in Miracles, Ego, God, The Mind|

There Is No Order Of Difficulty In Miracles

I am getting closer to the end of my study of the text of A Course in Miracles.  Although I can’t say that I have enjoyed every minute of it, I have been filled with joy for most of my time in studying it.  It has brought up some issues in me that need release, and at times I have been confused about it, but after just about finishing it,

By |2015-01-09T13:13:48+10:00October 25th, 2014|A Course in Miracles, Ego, God, Love, The Mind, We Are One|

Aucune Idée – I Haven’t Got A Clue

When I asked for guidance about what I could write my blog about this week, the thought came to me in French “Aucune idée”.  “Great”, I thought, “my spiritual helpers are going on strike – taking a week off and flying off to Maui to be with Doreen Virtue maybe”.  But later, I realised that this really was to be the subject of my blog. Often when we follow our