For this week’s blog, I wanted to tell you a little story about what happened to me last week when I was posting last week’s blog, or trying to.
I always type my blog in Word and then copy and paste it onto my WordPress site, normally without any problems. I usually write it and post it on a Friday.
Last week, after writing my blog as usual, when I went to post it, I received an error, with a WordPress error message: “406 Not acceptable”. This happened every time I tried to save what I had copied and pasted, even though my tests showed that I could save anything I typed in directly. After googling the error and trying all I could do, as a humble human, to fix the problem, I requested help from my trusty super-human web master, who happens to live in Canada, on the other side of the world from me in Australia. I knew it would probably be the next day before I received an answer.
I went to bed on Friday night thinking that my angels and guides must want me to post it on Saturday, a day known to have a greater number of people on Facebook and therefore more possible readers of my blog. I thought that I would wake up the next day and this strange little quirk would have magically fixed itself. Either that, or my trusty web master would offer a solution.
Saturday dawned, and when I once again tried to save my pasted post, I was disappointed to find that the error was still there. I was further disappointed when my friend in Canada said that she wasn’t getting the same error.
After trying a few more things without success, I was thinking I was going to have to type everything in again directly. I never like to allow computer programs to beat me, so I wasn’t happy about this idea.
I asked my husband, Jon, if he had any ideas, and, being a clever fellow, he suggested I tried just copying and pasting each paragraph one at a time, something I hadn’t even thought of. I had tried leaving out any hyperlinks already, and that hadn’t made any difference.
As I copied and pasted each paragraph, I came to one in the middle of the blog, which was the cause of the problem. I knew from my googling that the error message was relating to some security issue, but I could see no reason why the simple sentences in this problem paragraph would cause a problem.
“Never mind,” I thought, “I’ll just type that one paragraph in manually. That’s not too hard.” As you recall, my tests showed that typing in directly didn’t cause a problem.
So, imagine my surprise when, after finishing typing in that paragraph, the Save button was greyed out.
I realised then, that this was my guides helping me to ensure that my blog was as accurate as possible. I changed a couple of words here and there, and ‘Hey Presto!’ all was fixed.
I realised that the error message was appropriate. What I had originally written was, in hindsight, ‘Not acceptable’.
Our angels, our guides, the Archangels, the Ascended Masters, and God are all helping us all of the time. But we have free will, so if we want help with particular things, it pays to ask for help.
The other thing that I have found helpful is something I learned from a book of Deepak Chopra’s, in which he recommends saying “God, thy will be done”, three times in a prayer, and I started doing that at the end of each of my morning and evening meditations.
With faith, this means that God always has your back. God is always working for the good of the all, and you are definitely part of that all.
When I saw Doreen Virtue demonstrating doing an Angel Card reading using one of her apps, she said: “You can’t make a mistake with this”. When she selected a card which wasn’t meant to be shown, it simply failed to display, and she had to select a different one.
The fact is, when you have faith in yourself, in all of your helpers, and in God, it is simply impossible to make a mistake with anything.
If you do happen to do something which, in hindsight, you realise would have been better done a different way, this is merely a lesson, not a mistake. For, without the original seeming error, you would never have understood the significance.
So, when things aren’t working out just as you were expecting, look for the lesson you may be supposed to learn. Look at ways that you may be able to do things differently, and have faith that everything is happening just as it should, in divine order, for the highest good of all concerned.
And, by the way, I think I’ll start posting my blog on Saturdays now.
Image courtesy of jesadaphorn at
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