The course I have been doing at the American Institute of Holistic Theology (AIHT) has been enlightening yet again. When I first enrolled in this Spiritual Guidance for Children course, I really wasn’t sure why I was doing it. (I have learned to trust my inner guidance when I receive it – well, most of the time anyway. I am only human, so I still slip up from time to time, as I guess we all do.)
I don’t have any children, and although I feel a strong connection with children who are young enough to still communicate on a non-verbal level, I have had trouble seeing myself as a teacher to school-aged children, for whom this course is designed.
I know now that one of the reasons for my completing this course has been to remind me that we have the power to achieve whatever we set our minds to. Because, a teacher of school-aged children is what I had become by the end of the course.
For my project as part of my exam, I had to choose a few of the meditation practices, which I learned about in the books, and practise those for a week, before sharing those practices with a child.
I was fortunate that my nieces agreed to bring my 5 great-nieces and great-nephews to my house so I could use them as guinea pigs. As two of the 5 children were 4 years old girls, I added a fairy meditation as well, and used this as an excuse to reacquaint the older three (aged 8,9, and 10), and their mothers, with the truth about fairies.
I was amazed at the information that came through, both to me and the children, particularly during the Time Machine Meditation, which asks the child to step into a time machine, which can take him or her to any time or place, but a time and place which is the perfect place for them to visit.
During my week of practising this meditation, I had some interesting experiences. One day I was a caveman in prehistoric times dressed in animals skins. Another day I was a joyful gay man in Roman times, and managed to bring back some of his joy to the present day.
One day I was in my own toddler body, playing with my sister in the dirt under our house, where my mother had found the empty ring case, which had once contained her engagement ring. I had felt guilt my whole adult life for losing her ring, but was able to apologise to her during this meditation, and to hear that she knows now what happened to it, and “it’s ok”.
Another day I was in my own body walking through the hills and mountains in Switzerland, on the border with Austria, in 2015. When I asked a lady I met on the path my purpose for being there, I was told we were just out enjoying the beautiful sunny day.
My most enlightening time machine travels were to the Middle East.
On one occasion, I was an Arab man with a beard, in the Sinai Peninsula in 2011. I seemed to be in the middle of some conflict, and felt fear as I heard tanks and guns.
When I asked the reason for being shown this, I was told it was so that I could understand that I really can travel to any time and place, just as Jesus talked about in the book: Jesus: My Autobiography, by Tina Louise Spalding, and that even though my clairvoyance isn’t as good as it could be, it is improving gradually. (I have always been more clairaudient and clairsentient, than clairvoyant.) I then asked if it is easy to take your consciousness back to your body without difficulties, and was told yes. I expressed my desire to improve my clairvoyance, so that I could enjoy these journeys often.
I had no idea, at the time, if there had even been any conflict in Sinai during 2011, but when I googled it, I found that there had been.
The most profound impact came when I visited Syria. The time was now, and the place where I arrived was totally deserted. I asked an invisible guide what I needed to see there, and was told:
“Just that there’s no one there.”
“There’s no one there”, was repeated.
When I asked if that was all, I was told:
“No. Your government and the American government, and other western governments have contributed to this situation. You need to do something about it. You need to send them love, lots and lots of love, to contract the war. Lots and lots of love.”
I also had a profound experience during the Happy Tree Meditation, which asks the child to see a tree which has both happy and sad fruit on it, and to find out what the sad fruit needs. This meditation is a way to allow children to get past incidents which make them sad or angry.
Most of the time when I asked what my sad fruit needed, it was love, or love and chocolates, but on one occasion I asked the sad fruit why it was sad and was told:
“Too many chemicals. Too many chemicals poisoning the water and the air we all breathe.”
When I asked what the sad fruit needed, I was told:
“For you to stop poisoning the Earth”.
Like me, when the children did this meditation, they, too, felt that the sad fruit needed love.
I was most surprised by the results of the children’s time machine travels. I had expected them to say that they hadn’t seen anything, and hadn’t gone anywhere, but one child went to Antarctica and saw snow, one went to Outback Australia in 1885 and heard kangaroos bounding, and the third child went to the Big Bang at the beginning of the universe, where he heard rumbling and shaking, but he didn’t get out of his time machine (wise child).
We ran out of time with the children for the third meditation which I had practised throughout the week, but I had been able to use the Healing Heart Meditation to heal and forgive a number of people, most of whom I thought I had already forgiven previously.
The two youngest had coloured-in fairy pictures after their fairy meditation, but they, too, had learned of some of the benefits of meditation when I told them all about walking meditations, eating meditations, and even meditations involving picking up your toys.
So, always try to follow your inner guidance. Your conscious ego mind may never understand the benefits you may gain from this experience, but it will always be worth it.
I gained a lot from completing this course:
- An opportunity to talk about fairies.
- An opportunity to further heal my heart and forgive those who had hurt me.
- Faith that my inner guidance is always accurate and beneficial.
- Faith in my abilities to be, do, and have whatever I desire.
- Profound messages to pass on to you.
- The deep understanding that we all have remarkable abilities, that are largely untapped.
- The deep understanding that there is magic afoot, and we can all be part of it.
I would be grateful to hear of any profound experiences you have had during meditations, and to hear about any times when you discovered that listening to your inner guidance held benefits which weren’t originally apparent. I would also like to hear your views on the time/space continuum and time travel.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at
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