Special Card Reading 19th August 2020

By |2020-08-19T13:03:16+10:00August 19th, 2020|Card Reading|

I asked for a reading to provide guidance about what is currently happening in the world. I used the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes (Doreen Virtue) because we are certainly going through some massive changes.

Health-Care Change

To me, this card is letting us know that our health care needs to become our own responsibility. Governments are trying to make it theirs, because most of us in our society have looked to others to keep us healthy. We currently have the freedom to take responsibility for our own health care. I believe we need to protect that freedom.

Realizations and Epiphanies

There are many people waking up spiritually at the moment. There are also many people waking up to the truth about what is wrong with the society we live in. There has also been awakening to the damage that our species has been doing to the planet, as we notice the changes that lockdowns have had. These realisations are an outcome in and of themselves.


This card isn’t just talking about looking after our own health, as was mentioned with the first card. This is also talking about not allowing the negativity and stress, that this current situation has caused, to have a detrimental effect on our mental and physical well-being. The first thing to do is to ask your angels and spiritual helpers to help you maintain a positive outlook on life. You can only shine your light out into the world if you haven’t shrouded it in darkness. Your light is desperately needed at the moment. Try to remain in the present moment as much as possible, and think love often. Your spiritual helpers will have personal guidance especially for you. Some, like me, need to avoid news and other negative information in order to function. Others of you will need to keep informed, but need to ensure that you take guided action to avoid feeling helpless.

Notice there are no cards about what the future holds. These cards are aimed at answering the question I asked which was to provide some guidance about what is going on in the world right now.

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