

‘Tis The Season To Be Jolly

I knew that, being my last blog before Christmas, (my first blogging Christmas), it would seem appropriate for me to write a blog about Christmas and what it means.

I realised that this would be difficult, as Christmas means different things to different people.  Perhaps if I could find out about the origins of this celebration, I would understand.

I read a number of theories about the origins of December 25th as the date for Christmas, in the

By |December 21st, 2013|Christianity, Christmas, Love, Peace|

My Dreamtime Story

For this week’s blog, I would like to tell my own dreamtime story:

Before the beginning of eternity, in the time before time existed, there lived a Being so wondrous, so magnificent, so powerful, so full of love, that no human now living could ever comprehend the majesty of it.  This Being had no name, because it could not be confined within any terms that a name could give it.

This Being knew

By |December 14th, 2013|Ego, Evolution|

Heaven Is A Place On Earth

As often happens, my blog this week is inspired by a song (Heaven Is A Place On Earth, written by Rick Nowels and Ellen Shipley, and recorded by Belinda Carlisle).

When I woke up with the song playing in my head, I thought this could be the subject of this week’s blog.  When I heard it a little while later on the radio, I knew it was confirmation.  I knew that I had to write a

By |December 7th, 2013|Christianity, God, Islam, Religion, Sex|

I Am A Powerful Lightworker

I spent three days, last weekend, learning to talk to angels, at an Angel Intuitive course with Doreen Virtue PhD.

The truth is, I already knew how to talk to angels, but what I realised on the weekend, is that I had forgotten to actually do it.  I had forgotten to ask their advice in all that I do.  I had forgotten that I am never alone.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying I knew everything

By |November 30th, 2013|Angels and Spirit Guides, Spiritual Communication|

The Parable Of Rhubarb And Potatoes

In last week’s blog I wrote about redeveloping our abilities to follow our inner guidance.

I would love it if everyone could learn to do this, because I know that it would make for happier and healthier lives for everyone.

What we have to understand, though, is that if everyone is following their inner guidance, it doesn’t mean that everyone will automatically start thinking as we think, and believing as we believe.

I believe that we were each

By |November 23rd, 2013|Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Religion, Society|

Animal Science

I have just been reading an article in Cosmos, a magazine about the ‘science of everything’ (thanks Jennifer).  The article was about tickling rats and making them laugh (rats laugh ultrasonically, apparently).  It also talked about the laboratory rats exhibiting all of the same basic emotions as humans: fear, joy, anger, and love.  Electrical stimulation of particular parts of the brain produced the same results in those laboratory rats, as similar electrical stimulation of human

By |November 16th, 2013|Animals, Science, Society|