Your Christmas Present

By |2014-12-05T20:20:25+10:00December 5th, 2014|Christianity, Christmas, Meditation|

christmas present

This time of year is always busy with present buying and organising everything for Christmas.  There is usually so much to do for other people, it is easy to forget to look after yourself.

Apart from buying yourself a physical present, there are many ways that you can give yourself a gift.

One is to follow your feelings.  By only doing what you feel like doing when you feel like doing it, you can know that you are really doing things in divine order, because your feelings are coming from your soul which has a direct connection to the divine.  Chances are that you will still end up doing all the same things that you would have otherwise done, but you will be in a better mood when you are doing them.  Instead of feeling like you are carrying a burden, you will feel invigorated and full of life.  Everything will go more smoothly and easily, and life will seem to flow.

Your soul communicates with you through your feelings, and also while your ego mind is quiet during meditation.  If you have been rushing around and have become stressed out during the leadup to Christmas, you may not always correctly identify your feelings and what your soul is attempting to communicate to you.  This is why meditation is so important, particularly when you think you don’t have time for meditation.

Meditation allows you to release the stress which you have built up in your body, and must be done regularly or the stress will continue to accumulate to the point where, either you will explode with rage, or your body will store that stress as illness.

Remember that 15 minutes of meditation each morning and evening will not only keep you from suffering from stress yourself, it will make you a more pleasant person to be around.  This is the best Christmas present you can give yourself and your family.

During meditation, you can also ask your higher self what it thinks would be the best present you can give yourself, or ask for from your loved ones.  It might be something as simple as requesting someone else to cook for you, or perhaps taking time out for a bubble bath.  Your soul will always be more invigorated by a walk in nature, but there might be a specific place which would bring you joy.  Once you feel joy, you cannot help but share it, and this is what the joy of Christmas is all about.

Many Christians know the Bible verse: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself”.  Although people sometimes remember the part about loving their neighbour, they often forget the part about loving themselves.

Christmas is a time for peace and goodwill to all.  We may wish peace and goodwill to our neighbour in the form of our family, friends, neighbours, and even total strangers, but we need to remember, too, the peace and goodwill that we can give to ourselves.  In allocating 15 minutes twice a day for meditation, indulging in a bubble bath, or soaking up the peace of a favourite nature spot, we have more peace and goodwill to spread around.

What will your Christmas present to yourself be?  I would love to hear.


Image courtesy of Idea go at

One Comment

  1. Jennifer December 8, 2014 at 7:48 am - Reply

    My present to myself is a spiritual CD I have ordered from Amazon.

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