Lesson of Tiger
One of the books for my course in Native American Spirituality at AIHT is Ed McGaa, Eagle Man’s book, Nature’s Way – Native Wisdom for Living in Balance with the Earth. Each chapter uses an animal in nature to illustrate the author’s point, which is that we must learn from what the animals and the rest of nature have to teach us, if we are to survive the destruction which
A great woman, Sojourner Truth, was born into slavery in New York State around 1797, with the name Isabella Baumfree. At the age of nine, she was separated from her family when she was sold to another owner. As a slave, she had no rights. Even her husband was chosen for her. Her children were not hers, but her owners, to do with as he chose. Sojouner escaped slavery in
Feminist Theology
I started a new course this week at AIHT (American Institute of Holistic Theology) called Feminist Theology. I was speaking about it in my French class, and the teacher asked me why I wanted to do that course. I told her, as best I could in my limited French, that my reason was because there are lots of women living under oppression. I explained that the book I am reading
Amazing Grace
On 19th May 2013, I sent the following document to every Australian MP and every Australian senator. Below, you will find their responses and my conclusions: "I recently saw the movie “Amazing Grace” about William Wilberforce and his campaign to end the slave trade. When viewing the cramped and putrid conditions in which slaves were transported on the sea, I was reminded of the way we now transport our live