Follow Your Bliss

  My energy, along with the world energy, seems to be a bit agitated today. I have been hearing a lot of messages in the last couple of days, from people all over the world, about changes that are happening to our planet.  There is movement happening within our beautiful Mother Earth, who is taking us into the new age of love and joy.  We just need to keep up

By |2016-06-03T16:55:07+10:00June 3rd, 2016|Energy, Future, Mother Earth|

Lessons for Psychics

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all those new likers of my facebook page.  My aim during my weekly blog is, not only to tell you a little about my week, but also in the process to share some of the lessons which I have learned throughout the week.  I am firmly of the opinion that we are all students and all teachers.  So, as well as

By |2016-05-27T16:39:30+10:00May 27th, 2016|Angels and Spirit Guides, Empathy, Energy|

Life Purpose

The business that my husband and I started over 30 years ago is changing hands next week.  Although during the last few years I have only been working in the business a couple of days a week, it has never been far from my thoughts.  The business has had its ups and downs over the years, and it has often been a source of worry for me, particularly during the

By |2015-10-30T18:48:31+10:00October 30th, 2015|Uncategorized|

Pay Attention!

I saw a video on facebook yesterday advising me to PAY ATTENTION!  It was mainly referring to the way we disengage from our family in order to watch television, write text messages, and …watch videos on facebook.  However, it started me thinking about the way our society has trained us to tune out the world around us. God created a world filled with love, but when we spend our lives

I Can See!

Last night, during my meditation prior to going to bed, I asked for some inspiration for this week’s blog.  I received a vision of me creating a picture using a computer program. I have spent the morning enjoying myself as I played with the program, and attempted to remember the vision I had seen, and to recreate it.  I was happy to create some colour in what would otherwise be

By |2014-03-28T18:48:10+10:00March 29th, 2014|God, Religion, Spiritual Communication, Tarot, The Mind|

Animal Communication

Is it possible to communicate with animals telepathically? I know the answer is yes. I have seen it and experienced it; I have done it.  But I wouldn’t call myself an Animal Communicator, because to become an animal communicator, I believe you need a couple of things that I currently lack: confidence in my ability, and practice followed by validation. I have been taught by a couple of masters. I

By |2014-01-31T19:11:27+10:00February 1st, 2014|Animals, We Are One|

Empathy – Living In A World Of Energy

Ever since Albert Einstein’s equation E=MC2 became famous, it has been easy for most people to accept the new age theory that everything is made of energy, including ourselves.  We know that, even though a rock appears as a solid lump, that it is really made up of a lot of rapidly-moving particles, and it is the energy of the particles which gives it its solid form.  We know that

By |2016-05-27T16:40:59+10:00September 14th, 2013|Empathy, Energy, We Are One|

Getting Used To Weird

I am so grateful to my angels and spirit guides for all of their help. I first met them almost 6 years ago, The character in my book had a similar experience. Just like Angela, I started talking to my angels after reading a book called “Ask Your Angels” by Alma Daniel, Timothy Wyllie and Andrew Ramer. The exercises in the book took me through the GRACE process – Grounding,

By |2013-08-03T12:01:49+10:00August 3rd, 2013|Angels and Spirit Guides, Spiritual Communication|