Support For Standing Rock

I have heard so much about the water protesters at Standing Rock on Facebook.  I don’t know if there is any mention of it on Australian television news, because I don’t watch it. I feel a strong urge to support the indigenous people at Standing Rock, yet I don’t really understand why. There have been other indigenous peoples, in other struggles against big business and the governments which support that

By |2016-11-01T16:59:39+10:00November 4th, 2016|Future, Native American Spirituality, Society|

We Should Be Dancing

In many shamanic societies, if you came to a shaman or medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions. When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence? Where we have stopped dancing, singing, being enchanted by stories, or finding comfort

By |2016-09-09T16:44:08+10:00September 9th, 2016|Society|

Think Twice Again

One of my spirit guides is a Native American woman, and I have often felt a strong connection to their culture and spiritual beliefs.  I was therefore not surprised to be drawn once again to Denise Linn's Native Spirit Oracle Cards for inspiration for this week's blog.  I was surprised, however, to find that rather than being led to write about one of these cards I was led to repost

Singing And Dancing With Fleetwood Mac

Jon and I went to see Fleetwood Mac in concert during the week. As I waited for the band to come on stage, I was feeling a bit sleepy, and I was wondering whether maybe I was getting a bit old for going to concerts.  This feeling lingered at the beginning of the concert, but I also got the feeling that the band was a bit slow to get started,

By |2015-11-13T16:44:33+10:00November 13th, 2015|Future, God, Religion, Society|


In case you missed my first attempt at a powerpoint presentation last week, it was suggesting that the best way to protect ourselves from negative energy is to send love out to others, rather than just surrounding ourselves in white or blue light. This reminded me of a big difference between the way our society has been heading, and the societies of traditional indigenous peoples, like the Native Americans I

Sons and Daughters

I was moved to choose a card from Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards (Doreen Virtue PhD) today for inspiration for my blog. If you have been reading my previous blogs, you will know that I have been studying the book, Nature’s Way – Native Wisdom for Living in Balance with the Earth, by Ed McGaa, Eagle Man, as part of my course in Native American Spirituality at AIHT.

By |2015-07-03T17:36:32+10:00July 3rd, 2015|Animals, Environment, Society|


I was thinking this morning that, as I near the age of 60, I am finally just about feeling happy in my own skin.  By that, I mean it has taken me nearly 60 years to value myself as an individual and to feel content with who I am, most of the time. I began to wonder if it takes everyone this long, and if our culture fails to instil

By |2015-06-05T19:00:36+10:00June 5th, 2015|Native American Spirituality, Society|

Welcome to My World

Last week’s blog left me feeling a little overwhelmed.  There are so many things happening in the world with the potential to cause us fear, without reading more in a spiritual book, or writing about them in my own blog. I was especially troubled when I heard of the loss of lives in rapidly rising flood-waters, so close to my home.  As I stopped to feel compassion for those

By |2015-05-08T17:29:01+10:00May 8th, 2015|Mother Earth, Prayer|