
I am having trouble thinking of anything spiritual to write about, because my mind is focused on the animals.  I decided that is what my blog needs to be about this week. As you probably know by now, I love animals and can’t bear to hear about them suffering.  The more sensitive I become, the more pain I feel when I think about what many animals endure. I have seen

By |2016-10-07T15:43:25+10:00October 7th, 2016|Animals|

Animals – What Are They Good For?

Last week my blog discussed our cruelty to animals and the guilt that that caused us to feel, whether we recognise it or not.  This week, I wanted to remind everyone just how important animals are to our welfare, In the past, we have only considered animals of importance if we had some way to use them for our benefit.  This is the way that the ego looks at everything:

By |2014-10-17T19:53:54+10:00October 18th, 2014|Animals, Ego, Vegan, We Are One|