Be The Light Of The World

I was sitting looking at the way the light coming through the louvre blind made strange patterns on the items that it touched.  Even though the light was coming through in straight lines, by the time I saw its results, it had become wonderful interesting shapes, depending on what shape the light landed upon. I realised that this is the job of us all – to take the pure light

By |2016-04-24T13:51:21+10:00April 22nd, 2016|Christianity, God, Islam, Love|


How would you like to be remembered? A lot of my writing in recent weeks has been about the fact that we are all one: we are all part of the one God, the one creation, the one community on Earth.  Despite our different religions or different beliefs, we all have the same needs, not least of which is love. Although we are all one, and can think of ourselves

By |2014-02-28T19:15:44+10:00March 1st, 2014|Mother Earth, Peace, Society|

I Am A Powerful Lightworker

I spent three days, last weekend, learning to talk to angels, at an Angel Intuitive course with Doreen Virtue PhD. The truth is, I already knew how to talk to angels, but what I realised on the weekend, is that I had forgotten to actually do it.  I had forgotten to ask their advice in all that I do.  I had forgotten that I am never alone. Don’t get me

By |2013-11-29T18:48:45+10:00November 30th, 2013|Angels and Spirit Guides, Spiritual Communication|

The New Spirituality

In Billie Dean’s Animal Whispers newsletter this week, she mentioned that she and a lot of other people were getting the feeling that “something big was getting closer. That it was time to step into our medicine. What Lightworkers and Wayshowers and Pioneers and Earthkeepers and Animal Warriors all came here to do. Be the Light.” I started to contemplate what my role in this might be.  Although I know

By |2013-11-01T20:20:19+10:00November 2nd, 2013|Christianity, God, Love, Mother Earth, Religion, Society, We Are One|