Passion and Joy

I have been reading Wayne Dyer’s book, Excuses Begone!, in which he assigns a chapter to Passion, which he starts with a quote from Aeschylus: “When a man’s willing and eager, God joins in.” It always feels, when we are doing something we are passionate about, that we have resources at our disposal greater than that of our limited individual selves.  Rather than God joining in when we are following

By |2015-11-07T18:52:21+10:00November 6th, 2015|Ego, God|

Nature Love

If you have read any of my earlier blogs, you will know that I know that there is no such thing as coincidence.  I know that everything is happening in divine order, especially when I ask for God’s will to be done, as I do at the end of my meditation first thing every morning and last thing before I go to bed at night. You may also know that