What Do We Know About Religion?

What do we know about other religions, or for that matter the religion we call our own? My father was originally a Congregational Church minister, so I was raised as a Protestant.  I learned a little bit about the Christian religion in childhood Sunday School classes, and I even attended a few Bible Study classes in my very early teens.  After that, however, I was keen to embrace the secular

By |2014-01-24T20:26:13+10:00January 25th, 2014|Peace, Religion|

The Parable Of The Happy Plant

Reincarnation is a concept so naturally and intrinsically a part of many religions, that their proponents might wonder how anyone could think anything else. Hinduism and Buddhism are two such religions.  My understanding of their beliefs is that we create everything in our lives through our thoughts, words, and actions.  Our karma is the consequences of these thoughts, words, and actions, and reincarnation is necessary for us to resolve the

By |2013-09-27T18:17:57+10:00September 28th, 2013|Buddhism, Christianity, Religion|