Ban The Burkini?

I saw a post on facebook comparing what happened recently on a beach in Nice, France, with what happens on beaches in Iran.  In Nice, men were forcing women to wear less clothing, whereas in Iran, men were forcing women to wear more clothing.  The facebook post alluded that it is time that men stopped telling women what they can and can’t wear. I hadn’t previously heard about the burkini,

By |2016-08-26T19:27:17+10:00August 26th, 2016|Society|

Warrior Of The Heart

Today’s blog was inspired by Yes, Prime Minister, the old British comedy series that we have seen hundreds of times, and yet still manages to make us laugh. This particular program was suggesting a more democratic system with more grass-roots representation which would mean eradication of the party system.  Naturally, the politicians were quick to renounce the truly democratic system once they realised its ramifications. There were other sources of

By |2016-02-12T16:05:41+10:00February 12th, 2016|Mother Earth, Politics, Women|

Sharing Peace

This week’s blog is definitely a case of my teaching what I need to learn, but I know that this is always the case. It is easy to become disillusioned in today’s world.  Even if we try not to expose ourselves too much to the doom and gloom of the world portrayed by the media, we find ourselves affected by it, nonetheless. It is easy to feel like the world

By |2014-10-31T19:20:24+10:00November 1st, 2014|Peace, The Mind, We Are One|

Balancing The Divine Feminine And Divine Masculine

I started to wonder about the balance between masculine and feminine, and whether our society, in Australia, is headed towards that balance. We know that in many societies in the world, including our own, the masculine has dominated for many years, but is that starting to change? As often happens, I received some inspiration from a television program: Doctor Quinn – Medicine Woman (again). The story this evening was about

By |2013-11-08T14:55:44+10:00November 9th, 2013|Empathy, Society|