Great Spirit

I was moved to do my weekly card reading prior to my blog this week, but you’ll have to wait until Sunday night for it to be posted.  I had no idea why the card reading had to come first, until I had finished my reading, and then I knew that one of the cards in the reading had more that it wanted to tell me. I used Animal Dreaming

By |2015-06-12T17:17:08+10:00June 12th, 2015|God|

Think Twice

Just as the world seemed to be in turmoil this week from earthquakes, volcanoes and the like, inspiration for my blog this week seems to be in a bit of a turmoil too. When the weather starting looking yucky on Thursday, my husband looked out the window and said sarcastically: “Oh good, another day in paradise”.  I told him that that reminded me of a song that my bus driver