I Love You

I met a dragonfly this morning that seemed to want to fly all around my car as I moved it out of the way, so hubby, Jon could go out.  The dragonfly continued to fly around me as I walked out of the garage, and seemed to want to tell me something. When I asked it what it wanted to tell me, it asked me to follow it, but then it

By |2016-10-02T12:12:30+10:00October 2nd, 2016|Love|

Do You Believe In Fairies?

As you may have guessed from some of my previous blogs, I used to think anyone who believed in fairies was weird.  Although I have no physical proof of their existence, I am now confident that they are real.  Along with Angela, the character in my books, Getting Used To Weird and We Are One, I have become one of those weird people. Angela had never considered that fairies could