This morning’s message from the angels:
Be the peace you wish to see in the world. You don’t need to do anything; just be who you are.
Be the love you wish to see in the world. You don’t need to do anything; just be who you are.
You are love; you are peace; you are joy; you are freedom. You came into this world with all of these attributes, and you don’t need to do anything special. You just need to be who you are.
Your ego, however, would have you believe that you are none of these things. It tells you that in order to find peace, love, healing, joy, and freedom, you have to look outside of yourself. It tells you that you have to do something to find it. Usually the doing involves making someone else do something too.
Muslims, who think that Sharia Law will bring them peace, use war in the vain attempt to achieve peace. Western countries declare war on those countries who they see as the cause of war.
Yet, the war is not to be found externally, and neither is the peace. If you perceive war in the world, the war exists within yourself, between your ego and your true self.
Once you begin to find peace within, you understand that there is no them and us; there is only us; there is only you; there is only “I am”.
When God was asked his name, he declared that he would be “I am that I am.” I am everyone and everything.
When you go within to find your peace, you find that you are part of ‘all that is’, part of the great ‘I am’, no greater or lesser than every other person on the planet.
You don’t need others to change to your way of life to find peace, love, freedom, healing, and joy. You just need to find the ‘I am peace, I am love, I am freedom, I am healing’, within yourself.
Once you find the ‘I am peace, I am love’, etc, within yourself, you know that you are part of the great ‘I am’, and that nothing can destroy your peace, nothing can destroy your love, nothing can destroy your freedom, or your healing, because that is what you are, eternally.
If there is anything you need to do, it is just to let go of your ego’s attachment to fear. It tells you that fear keeps you safe, and when you live from your ego, this is true. But when you live from your true self, you know that there is nothing to fear in this world or the next. You know that you are love, and that love conquers all, without war.
You have no more need to declare war on others, than you do on your own ego.
Your ego was a God-given attribute also, which allows you to experience the world of duality, but you don’t need to allow it to rule your life. Use the ‘I am’ part of you to rule your life, and it will always direct you towards peace and love. It will allow you to use your ego as the tool that it was designed to be.
Be at peace; be in love.
You are peace; you are love. You don’t need to change anything about yourself. You only need to listen to your true voice, your ‘I am’ voice, and allow your ‘I am’ voice to direct you and to lead your ego voice, not the other way around.
Your ego voice will always keep you in fear of the other, but the other is you. The other is that ‘I am’ part of you – God. Your ego is afraid of God, afraid of that ‘I am’ part of you, because it knows that it is not really needed when you listen to your ‘I am’ voice, so it fears extinction.
Go within and listen to the ‘I am’ voice that dwells there, and you need never fear again.
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