What if God was one of us?

“Have you got some coins I could have?”  This came from a man seated at the bus-stop in the city, where I stood waiting for a bus.  He didn’t look like a beggar.  He didn’t seem dirty or dishevelled.  I felt like asking what he needed the money for.  I told myself later that this was because I might have offered him more than the couple of dollars I had

By |2013-08-30T13:42:24+10:00August 31st, 2013|Angels and Spirit Guides, Christianity, God|

Did Jesus Have A Shadow?

We have grown up with the belief that parts of us are just wrong. It is wrong for a girl to be angry; it is wrong for a boy to cry.  Those wrong parts of us don’t just disappear; we suppress those natural emotions - cover them up. They come out later when someone pushes our buttons, but instead of a reaction fitting the situation, we tend to release some

By |2013-07-27T18:40:55+10:00July 27th, 2013|Christianity, God, Religion|